Halloween Book Tag

Halloween is around the corner and while I don’t have any plans because it’s the night before I leave for a trip, I do want to celebrate it with a good book and this cute tag! Here we go!

#1 Favorite scary must-read for Halloween?

I recently read and loved Stalking Jack the Ripper and I wish I’d waited for Halloween and read it then because, honestly, it’s just perfect for Halloween: stalking a serial killer about to make his next move in the dark streets of London, having forensic medicine as your hobby and everyday part of your live and a twisted story of unknown intentions…

#2 Scariest book cover?

I’d say pretty much every cover by Stephen King. And while we’re at it: could anyone recommend me a book by Stephen King to start with?

#3 If you could go Trick-or-Treating with any author, who would you go with?

Who would be a better choice than Leigh Bardugo? With her new book, Ninth House, Shadow and Bone and especially Six of Crows, she is my number one pick!!! And no one throws spookier release parties (do you follow her on Instagram?)!

#4 If you could dress up as any bookish character for Halloween, who would you be?

I think I just spent about 20 minutes googling my favorite characters because I couldn’t make up my mind. In the end, I went with Jude Duarte from Holly Black’s Folk of the Air series because in both The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King, Black describes the outfits they have to wear to the parties so elaborately and fancy, that I thought, dressing up as her would be fun!

#5 If you could find anything (from any book) in your trick-or-treat stash, what would you hope it would be?

I know this is random, but I’ve always wanted to possess a pullover knit by Mrs. Weasley – is that super weird? They always look so comfortable and warm and would be perfect for the winter to cozy up and read!

#6 In what fictional world would you like to go trick-or-treating?

Caraval! There has never been another book that lived up to the standard of magical description than this one! If there ever was anything alike this experience, count me in!

#7 What book villain would you like to not meet in a dark alley on Halloween?

I guess this picture explains why I wouldn’t mind escaping Bellatrix Lestrange in a dark alley. I didn’t choose the picture where she’s coming out of Azkaban and takes her first free steps because I don’t want to be responsible for any nightmares.

#8 What would you rather dress up as: a vampire, zombie, werwolf or Shadowhunter?

Shadowhunter – definetely! In a leather jacket, boots and everything!

#9 Pick a candy from Harry Potter that you would love to find in your stash!

I would do anything to get my hands on a real chocolate frog!!! Can you believe that someone brought me one home because she knew I loved Harry Potter and then I didn’t eat it because it was too special?!

#10 What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Reeses!!! They’re generally my favorite candy, so that’s easy!

I tag: Kaya @afictionalbookworm; Evelyn @evelynreads; Rukky @EternityBooks; Sahi @myworldofbooks; Lori @Lorisbookshelfreads; Rendz @readingwithrendz; Ash @onceuponabookshelf (as always, don’t feel pressured to do the tag!)

That’s it – I hope you had just as much fun reading the tag than I had writing! I hope you have a magical Halloween and happy reading!

Author: Blogger Books

I'm a huge fan of Draco Malfoy, I love scones and tea time, I don't like horror movies and obviously I'm a huge book nerd.

11 thoughts on “Halloween Book Tag”

  1. This is so fun and thanks for tagging me 😊😊😊 And as I kept reading your answers, I realized they are almost the same as what I would answer for myself and now I don’t know if I should even try to do this tag 😂😂😂 And am also so scared of scary books 😬😬😬

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    1. You’re so welcome 😍😍😍😍 but yes, do it anyways it was super fun 🤓🤓🤓 and hahaha I’ve never actually read a really scary book so like It or something so I guess I’d be too 😂😂

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