Top Ten Tuesday: character traits I love!

This is such a great topic for today’s Top Ten Tuesday! Here we go with my favorite character traits and the things that make me love a character! (PS all the pictures used is online fan art!)

#1 Down-to-earth protagonists

I mean it’s also great to have the chosen one, but I really love it when the protagonist is down-to-earth, normal and modest. He can have a special talent, but isn’t a show-off or some prince/princess or the best in school with all the attention.

Cinder is the perfect example: She is a cyborg and awesome with technology, but when has she ever showed off with the fact that she is the legitimate heir of Luna?

#2 The know-it-all character that is aware of their knowledge

I saw this over at Sahi’s post (check it out!) and she is super right! A know-it-all who owns it, who corrects you and may always interrupt in class, but how is aware of it and can still be awesome and a great friend.

That’s Hermione. She knows that she’s brilliant, but Harry and Ron love her – and know that they would have never beaten Voldemort hadn’t she been at their side the whole time.

#3 The bookworm

This is probably a very common great character trait because that’s what we are! Bookworms add such a special flair when they talk passionate about their favorite books (something I also adore in real life!), quote their favorite authors and just believe in what they love.

Cassandra Clare manages to create super cute bookworms (The Infernal Devices – best bookworm ever!) and in general manages to beautifully incorporate book quotes and poems into her books which I find to be beyond special.

#4 Not the simple black-and-white villain

Books where you completely 100% hate the villain are nothing compared to the complicated, understandable and conflicted villains in other books. When one is able to understand how the villain developed and became an evil person, how his childhood and mistreatment was the cause for his change and how he still struggles today – that’s an interesting character.

Queen Levana

Some of my favorites: Maven Calore in Red Queen, Queen Levana in the Lunar Chronicles and Draco Malfoy (I like him) in Harry Potter

#5 The trained fighter/assassin

This is such a common YA trope, but it’s one of the funniest and exciting things to add to a plot! The action, suspense and intrigue connected to this character trait is one of the very reasons I love to read and be enchanted by the bookish world.

Inej from Six of Crows

There are so many great examples, here’s a list of my favorites: Inej in Six of Crows, Elias in An Ember in the Ashes, Celeana in Throne of Glass, Lila in Black Blade

#6 The one that would put family over everything

Because family is the most important thing in every world, I find this so special. A person who puts their family first no matter what is good-hearted and lovable.

The Penderwick sisters are the best possible example and also the most touching one. I have always looked up to their tight bond and the unconditional love for their family.

#7 The funny character

There are so many different ways how to interpret the word “funny”, but for me it’s the one character who has something silly to say in every possible (also deadly) situation, who lights up the book and makes it special.

The Weasley Twins make Harry Potter special, Jesper adds laughter to The Six of Crows Duology, Thorne is hilarious in The Lunar Chronicles – that’s what I’m talking about!

#8 Unknown intentions

I’ve only read one brilliant series where this is the case and that’s The Folk of the Air and Prince Cardan! I mean – who could be more of a mystery than him? Who could be more twisted, wicked and cruel yet still such an incredible character?

#9 The mastermind

This is not the typical know-it-all, this is the brain and the strategy behind the plan. This is and forever will be Kaz Brekker in Six of Crows.

#10 A twisted character

The one that is bad and good, but can’t decide. Who acts one way in once scenario, than completely different in another. Who’s personality is twisted and complicated, who suffered so much in his life. — Maven Calore everyone.

Author: Blogger Books

I'm a huge fan of Draco Malfoy, I love scones and tea time, I don't like horror movies and obviously I'm a huge book nerd.

5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: character traits I love!”

  1. Wow.. this is such a wonderful list and I love all the characters you’ve mentioned (the ones I know 😜)…. Maven, Kaz and Inej are definitely perfect for the traits you mentioned ❤️❤️❤️

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