WWW Wednesday

Three days into July,and I have another reading update! Firstly tho, I want to apologize for my TTT post as it didn’t upload the whole edited version but my first draft instead – so no tag this week! Anyways, here’s an insight to my current reading situation!

#1 What are you currently reading?

As of tomorrow morning, I will be continuing Victoria Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic. I already started reading this, but only made it to page 80. For some reason, the first chapters didn’t really throw me off of my feet and I had the impression of a very slow start where the plot was obscure and intransparent for me – however, I am giving it a second change because it’s a trilogy and I have loved books with a very slow start before this one, so no harm done, I will reserve my judgement for later!

#2 What was the last book you read?

Just a couple of minutes ago, I finished the fourth book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I read this as part of my Harry Potter Rereading Marathon and it was brilliant! Especially the Triwizard Tournament gave this book a special and new atmosphere which added a nice little new touch that I was happy to welcome, although there is nothing wrong with some casual Hogwarts days…

#3 What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m not 100% sure that this will be my next immediate read, but The 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is definetely on my near TBR list. The special plot and the way the story unfolds – from what I’ve heard and read on Goodreads -, this story sounds amazing and will hopefully be the perfect addition to my little mystery excursion which I will be taking this summer! For the other “next on my list” books, click here.

That’s my current reading situation, tell me: did you enjoy A Darker Shade of Magic? Is it worth it to continue? Enjoy your day and Happy Reading!

Author: Blogger Books

I'm a huge fan of Draco Malfoy, I love scones and tea time, I don't like horror movies and obviously I'm a huge book nerd.

5 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday”

  1. I’m so excited to see your thoughts on A Darker Shade of Magic!!! also good luck for the 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and can’t wait for your thoughts on that one!!! hope you have an awesome reading week 🙂

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    1. Me too! I’m currently a little over 100 pages and I think I’m about to be where the two of them finally meet… it’s been a little slow paced up to here, but I think it’s about to speed up so I’m super excited! It definitely sounds promising! And ahhh me too, now that I’ve read my first real mystery book, I’m excited to really explore that genre and I think this book‘s a good way to start! And thanks, I hope you have an amazing week as well😍😍

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