Top 5 Magical Books

“Wingardium Leviosa” –  yes, this entry will involve Harry. This weekday meme “Top Five” is created by the awesome Blogger Bionic Book Worm whose  entries I LOVE and therefore it is time for another tuesday meme, today: Top Five Magical Books.

#1 Magical Book: Harry Potter

IMG_1834Yes, my love for Harry Potter in each entry is probably very annoying for most of you, but what can be a better fit for magic than Harry?

#2 Magical Book: Red Queen

51gDIeQ4ixL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Is there something more powerful than a lightning girl on the egde of a revolution? Probably only a few things, but in the end, what counts? At least she made it on the list.

#3 Magical Book: Black Blade


The second I read “magic”, Jennifer Estep’s Black Blade was on my mind. This is a duel of magic. This is a fight for magic. Isn’t it perfect for this list?

#4 Magical Book: Caraval

51NGaqZ3yVL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_Doesn’t Stephanie Garber’s Caraval basically SCREAM magic? Isn’t this why Scarlett wanted to go to the famous festival, to experience magic?

#5 Magical Book: Shadowhunters

fullsizeoutput_2026Is there something more that beggs to be on this list than faeries, vampires, werwolves, angels, demons AND shadowhunters?


I hope you enjoyed this petit entry, I unfortunately don’t have time for a longer post because I have to WORK, but anyways, have a great day!

Author: Blogger Books

I'm a huge fan of Draco Malfoy, I love scones and tea time, I don't like horror movies and obviously I'm a huge book nerd.

7 thoughts on “Top 5 Magical Books”

  1. I know all about the struggle of working and blogging! That’s why I almost always post late on the Top 5 😉 Caraval is one my my daughter’s fav!

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